Sunday, March 8, 2009

5km Run

Can't believe it, but I ran non stop for 5km today! It was very slow, at 6.5km per hour, and it took me 46ish minutes, but I did it! Non stop, now I will just increase my speed each week and try and get the times down.
Probably had something to do with the fact that I was watchin Win a Date with Tad Hamilton on DVD when I was on the treadmill, so my number one man Josh Duhamel kept me entertained.

Plus I have had another awesome week exercise wise, pretty good with food again too. So I am hoping for a reasonable loss tomorrow morning. I'll be really peeved if I have gained again like last week!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Feeling really blah today. Not sure why.......probably all the crap on HBC and the booties. Hope it all sorts itself out. I just wanna train and have my monthly meeting with all my chickies!

Was going well until I got home, left work early to come home and go for a run. Then didn't end up exercising at all.
It will all be ok as far as my calorie in v calorie out for the week, but I still feel a little guilty. Need a rest day though don't I? Today seems like a good rest day to have.
I am probably tired from all the exercise I have done recently, I have been so good after not exercising for so long.

Craving chocolate too..........have lasted for the last 4 hours or so without having any, may have to make a Jarrah.

Have set my alarm for 5.30am tomorrow morning to get up and do a workout. Am going out tomorrow night, so can't have two rest days in a row!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Going Great Guns

Having a tops week.

Signed up to Biggest Loser Club so I can count my calories and exercise. Have exercised everyday this week, except for Thursday - that was my rest day.

I have started running on the treadmill, just interval running, can't run for any long periods of time. The most I can run is about 1km in 7 mins, but I am taking it a little slower than that to start with.

Burnt 508 calories before 8.30am this morning, which is not like me at all! I usually roll out of bed at 10am on a Saturday, so it's a nice change.

Also going bushwalking tomorrow, so hope to burn a heap of calories there as well.

I am going to get a trophy on my polar this week........YAY!!!!!! Haven't had one in ages!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bodytrim over.............

Welllllllll it's safe to say Bodytrim isn't really the diet for me. I should have been more wary when it limits fruit to breakfast only and also limits some vegies.

I agree with the protein snacks, but I do miss my fruit. Plus, being a sufferer of IBS - I really need fruit and fibre in my diet.

So it's back to "normal" eating, just lots of fresh fruit and veges and limiting sugar and processed foods.

Now for the next challenge - actually getting off my arse to do some exercise........ might even set the alarm early and go for a walk. See how we go.........I'll probably hit snooze!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Found blog again

Well have doing a little searching on the net, I remembered that I set this page up a while ago and thought I would come back again.

Looking over my blog I posted a sexy photo of me in my bikini (what was I thinking?) and realise that I am a mere 400g lighter than that picture almost two years ago.
What have I been doing with myself for the past two years? I certainly haven't made any significant changes! Maybe I am exercising a little more, but not consistently.

I did do a triathlon, but wasn't overly happy with the results from that! I am again. Weighed in at 63.4kg this morning and am going to start Bodytrim tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.
I've heard a lot of people have had success on it, so we'll see if it works for me.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sunday 29th July

Have had a crappy past couple of weeks. Only exercised once in the last two weeks. Haven't eaten very well either. My second photo is due this week and I am afraid that there really hasn't been any noticable changes. My pants definately feel a little looser around the waist, but nothing I think the camera will pick up. However I have committed to taking photos and measuring myself once a month, so I will do that!
I have decided to stop going to Weight Watchers meetings. I am not following the program properly, so therefore am not seeing results. I have decided to put the money that I spend at Weight Watchers weekly meetings into a gym membership. I joined my local gym a few weeks ago for a one month period, but I think I will commit to 12 months membership as it is cheaper, and I love the feeling of going to the gym (when I make the effort).
I have also decided that I will re-read all of Michelle's old e-mails with all her advice and information and see what I can gain to move forward positively.
I have decided to do a motivational collage and stick it around my house to keep me motivated. I will put on there people like Michelle and Darlene. Michelle is a wealth of knowledge and information and Darlene is proof that if you just listen to Michelle, you can achieve results. I will also put a picture of a nice guess handbag on there, cause hubby promised me a new one when I achieve a 5kg weight loss.
I have Bridge to Brisbane fun run this Sunday (well, walking 12km - not running), but hopefully this will help to inspire me as I would love to run it next year!
I have also promised myself to blog more regularly as it helps me to keep focus!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I did it!!!! I went to the gym this morning!!!! I set the alarm for 5.30am and didn't go back to sleep........went to the gym and did 50 mins of cardio and burnt a nice 330 calories.

Went to week 6 Weight Watchers meeting and lost 300g..........go figure from the week I had last week!

Stay committed this week and the scales should make me happy nexgt Tuesday